You’re here for a reason

To get stronger. To go further. To push your limits.

Going to the gym is a part of who you are now- a strong, empowered, and driven woman. You’re serious about prioritizing your physique and winning that pro card.

You’re ready to take things to another level. You’re ready to be compensated for your hard work. You're ready not just to hit the stage but to take center stage for the win.

It’s time to show up differently for yourself

Having developed the habit of making fitness a part of your lifestyle makes you rare among the masses. 

But what if you could elevate things even further? What if you could prove to yourself that you can reach goals that scare you? What if you could unlock a new level of confidence? What if you can get some competitive edge back into your life? Imagine the person you would become at the other end of that journey.

It’s life changing. I know, because I’ve been exactly where you are right now and so have my clients.

How about we cut the BS?

Look - making the decision to compete isn’t always easy.

There are a lot of things that can stand in your way- judgment, low confidence, doubt, fear. You need a coach that's a strong leader in your corner, showing you the way to success and holding you accountable along the way.

Let’s face it, cookie-cutter programs are not going to cut it when what you want is next level results. The same exact program isn’t going to work for someone that needs to lose 50lbs and someone that wants to build muscle - right?

First of all, that doesn’t lead to optimal results, and I’m sure that you’d love to sustain all your hard work after the competition too. Am I right?

That’s where I can help. Making a comeback after 14 years in retirement to win 2 pro cards in two different classes at the age of 40... to then becoming the WNBF Pro Fitbody World Champion, and having over 22 years of experience in the fitness industry - I know what it takes for you to win.

I’ve coached other WNBF Pro World Champions as well as myself, with a cutting edge approach to natural contest prep. And I would love to have you on the team to experience it for yourself. My question to you is, "Are you ready to start showing up for yourself differently in your life?"


The 6 month framework to get you competition ready With Cara's Unique Gold Method

Nothing can be built without a strong foundation. Let's make it unbreakable. Groundwork is the first key to success.

It is important to remove all obstacles - mentally, physically, and emotionally, in order to become the best version of you.

You will have a tried and true method provided to you. All you have to do is give it everything you got. We'll do it together.

You will not only have a beautifully defined body, but in the process you will also redefine the woman you are meant to be.

Nothing can be built without a strong foundation. Groundwork is the first key to success.

It is important to remove all obstacles, mentally, physically and emotionally to become the best version of you.

You will have a tried and true method provided to you. All you have to do is give it everything you got.

You will not only have a beautiful defined body, but you will also redefine the woman you are meant to be in the process.

Along with a roadmap to success, you’re also getting:

Invite Only App access

(VALUE $200)

This private app allows you to have me in your pocket 24/7. You’ll have access to all your programs, nutrition, private coach messaging and progress in one place.

Customized Gym Training Program

(VALUE $1000)

Training is a key component for getting ready to compete. You’ll get efficient and effective workouts that are customized to your body, and will target the muscle groups that you need to work on the most.

Invite Only App access

(VALUE $200)

This private app allows you to have me in your pocket 24/7. You’ll have access to all your programs, nutrition, private coach messaging and progress in one place.

Customized Gym Training Program

(VALUE $1000)

Training is a key component for getting ready to compete. You’ll get efficient and effective workouts that are customized to your body, and will target the muscle groups that you need to work on the most.

Personalized Nutrition

(VALUE $1600)

Contest prep diet done differently. Individualized to optimize your center stage physique using a variety of foods, not just fish & asparagus all day.

Weekly Mindset Coaching Calls with Cara

(VALUE $1200)

Every week you’ll meet with Cara and her team on zoom to learn new strategies to develop a mindset that is just as strong as your physique.

Personalized Nutrition

(VALUE $1600)

Contest prep diet done differently. Individualized to optimize your center stage physique using a variety of foods, not just fish & asparagus all day.

Weekly Mindset Coaching Calls with Cara

(VALUE $1200)

Every week you’ll meet with Cara and her team on zoom to learn new strategies to develop a mindset that is just as strong as your physique.

Private Team Facebook Community

(VALUE $600)

You’re not on this journey alone. You’ll have a group of other like-minded women cheering you on every step of the way.

In-Person Posing classes

(VALUE $300)

Together we’ll work on posing that shows off your hard work, and makes you feel confident and strong (Virtual posing available for non-local team members).

Private Team Facebook Community

(VALUE $600)

You’re not on this journey alone. You’ll have a group of other likeminded women cheering you on every step of the way.

In-Person Posing classes

(VALUE $300)

Together we’ll work on posing that shows off your hard work, and makes you feel confident and strong (Zoom posing available for non-local team members).

Weekly Accountability Check-ins

(VALUE $800)

This journey isn’t always easy, so every week we’ll have a check in to celebrate the wins and create action plans to get over the hurdles.

Weekly Body Analysis Check-in 

(VALUE $300)

Required upload of progress photos, so that your coach can review the data, analyze the progress and mold your program to get you to your maximal results.

Weekly Accountability Check-ins

(VALUE $800)

This journey isn’t always easy, so every week we’ll have a check in to celebrate the wins and create action plans to get over the hurdles.

Weekly Body Analysis Check-in 

(VALUE $300)

Required upload of progress photos, so that your coach can review the data, analyze the progress and mold your program to get you to your maximal results.

Weekly BioFEEDBACK Checks: sleep, stress & cycle

(VALUE $300)

There is no guesswork that goes into getting you to WIN your competition. We aim to work with your body not against it, by checking important aspects of your health.

Weekly mindset check-in questionnaire

(VALUE $200)

Getting great results has a major mindset component to it too. By keeping your mindset in check you’ll stay focused and will have fun along the way too.

Weekly Bio Marker Checks: sleep, stress & cycle

(VALUE $300)

There is no guesswork that goes into getting you to WIN your competition. We aim to work with your body not against it, by checking important aspects of your health.

Weekly mindset check-in questionnaire

(VALUE $200)

Getting great results has a major mindset component to it too. By keeping your mindset in check you’ll stay focused and will have fun along the way too.


(not the price you pay out of pocket)

Your total investment is just a FRACTION OF THIS VALUE.

Your investment price will be determined based on your level and goals, which we will go over in detail on your application call.

FREE BONUS- Personalized Team Robe with name.

Payment plans available upon request.

Level up

Team Rize is created for the woman who knows she needs to get to the next level.

Joining Team Rize means that you’re committed to bettering yourself- and I don’t take that lightly. That’s why I will be with you along the entire journey.

  • Custom plans tailored to your body and your goals.
  • Custom plans tailored to your body and your goals.
  • Nutrition plans that nourish you, make you look younger, feel more energized and move you closer to your goals (say goodbye to weeks on end of salmon and asparagus).
  • A customized workout plan that you’ll love! Training is taken to a whole new level to sculpt every muscle to perfection.
  • An amazing and supportive community that will be rooting for you along the way. 
  • Although your plans will all be different you will not only practice posing together but we’ll have ‘get-togethers’ to make the entire process fun.
  • Guidance on how to create your own signature look, and put together a show stopping outfit.
  • A coach that 100% has your back. I’ll be there during your ups and downs, from the moment you join the team to the moment you’re on stage.

Hear What the Women of Team Rize

Have To Say

Desi - "I lost 135 lbs and completely changed my life"

Lysha Cremone - "I've become an empowered woman"

Desi - "I lost 135 lbs and completely changed my life"

Lysha Cremone - "I've become an empowered woman"

Steffanie Zampieron - "Cara is more than just a coach"

Show day with Team Rize is unmatched.

Steffanie Zampieron - "Cara is more than just a coach"

Liz Hayley- "Being on Cara's team had been one of the most impactful things"

Wendy "I wanted to feel more confident in my own skin."

Liz Hayley- "Being on Cara's team had been one of the most impactful things"

Wendy "I wanted to feel more confident in my own skin."
Show day with Team Rize is unmatched.

Coach’s Note

Coach’s Note

I got certified as a personal trainer while attending college at the University of Miami. After graduating, I was burnt out from academics and needed an athletic outlet. So I decided to compete, and to my surprise I won my first show and qualified for Nationals! From there I was hooked and it became apparent that I had a gift for this.

I got married soon after and ran a very successful personal training business in Miami, working with celebrities such as Timbaland, and many professional athletes and their wives. My first daughter was born a few years later, but divorce caused me to move back home to MA to be with family when she was 3 years old. I found myself having to create a whole new business where nobody knew who I was.

After a decade long abusive and toxic relationship, I vowed to myself that I would change my life by my 40th birthday, as I feared the abuse would ultimately lead to my death and leave my 3 children without their mom. So I cut everything toxic out of my life, and aggressively pursued what makes ME happy. I poured all my doubt and fear into prep for natural bodybuilding competition, as I always wanted to be a pro!

One week after turning 40, I stepped on stage and won my pro card! It had been 14 years since I was last on stage.

Then the following week I won my second pro card, and the next day I did my pro debut and won 2nd place in both classes. Then 2 weeks later I competed on the biggest stage in natural bodybuilding - the WNBF World Championships in LA, and placed 4th in Pro Fitbody amongst the best natural athletes in the entire world!

Fast forward to 2022 - after giving birth to my 4th baby in 2021 and focusing on coaching the team and building my business, I decided that it was time for me to take the stage again. I lost 80 lbs in my prep, and this time around I became the WNBF Pro Fitbody WORLD CHAMPION!

As much as I love being on stage and being a mom, I love helping women just like you get ready for their first competition, reach the pro level, or become World Champions themselves (like my client Wendy, who is the 3x Pro Masters Bikini World Champion!)

So get ready for a season of coaching with a team of women who understand your goals and exactly how you can achieve them.

I can guarantee that if you trust the process and follow my GOLD method, you too will be center stage in no time. Lets get to work!

Unlock the new you confident, strong, and EMPOWERED

You’re on this page because you want to reach a new level of confidence. You want to get that competitive edge back…and you want someone that genuinely cares to get you there.

Maybe this is your first time competing, or perhaps you’ve tried other programs in the past. But the fact is that every woman's body, metabolism, health, hormones, and mindset are different. Therefore, you need to have a fully customized plan with a coach that has your back.

The time for you to dive in is now. I don’t take your commitment lightly! Expect me to be your personal coach and cheerleader throughout your journey, along with the other amazing women on Team Rize that will be rooting for you along the way as well!


How long is the program?

This is a 6 month commitment to start your transformation to be stage ready and part of our exclusive Team Rize

Is this a cookie cutter program?

HECK NO!!! Could I create a cookie cutter program, sure, I can totally do that. But there is no way I would. I believe that every womens body is different and unique and needs specialized attention to achieve optimal results. Which is why when you become a Team Rize Memeber you will go through our analysis process, that will give coach Cara the ability to create a custimized nutrition and workout plan that will be tailor to you.

Who creates my program?

Coach Cara creates every program, for every member, regardless of who your assigned coach is. There are no template or softwears used to create your program.

What happens after the 6 months?

Before your 6 months are completed we will do an end of program body assessment that will allow you to celebrate the progress you made and design a plan for your next season, should you decide to continue with Team Rize.

Do you guarantee results?

We do not offer a money-back guarantee, because I can not guarantee the work that you will do, but I can guarantee that you will be fully supported and have the tools you need to achieve your goals.

What's the investment?

Program pricing is something that I would be happy to chat with you about on the final qualifying call. My coaching program is not a "diet plan" or a "workout program" rather a framework that provides you with the blueprint to not only get your best stage results, but to integrate the best nutrition and training for your everyday lifestyle. Because of this, it would be impossible to communicate the value via a website or text message. That being said, joining our team IS an investment.

Do I need a gym membership?

Yes. My program requires a variety of weight lifting equipment. The results we get aren't going to be achieved in your living room, using a table, chair and body weight.

If you do have a pretty nice home gym set up including barbell, plates and dumbbells, we can talk.

How do I know if I am ready to join your program? I AM BUSY!!

As a busy wife, mother of 5, coach and business owner, I totally understand your concern.

But here's the truth and I'll be blunt, because that's who I am and I like to attract clients who are FOR REAL about change.

At the end of the day getting healthy and in shape is either going to be a PRIORITY or NOT.

It's that simple.

Do you want to continue to be stuck in mediocracy and a good role model to your kids in your 30's or 40's?


Do you want to keep doing what your doing and not see the results you know you can achieve?

You have to make that choice.

I'm in my 40's and busy as HELL and I'm living my best life.

Same thing for all of my clients who are getting in amazing shape in their 30's, 40's and 50s.

That's a choice though.

Which choice will you make?

Also, for some added perspective.

We workout about 4-6 times a week for 1 hour. We handle meal prep and keep it simple and I connect you with the best meal prep companies available.

That's a MAX 5-7 out of your 168 hours in your week's time.

Can you set aside less than 7% of your week so you can commit to stepping out of your confort zone and having a body that looks like you compete?

After I join, are there going to be hidden costs and supplements I need to buy?

Nope! I do recommend supplements such as protein powder and a few others if neccessary, but it's not mandatory. I personally think it makes life easier to drink a protein shake or two each day, instead of only getting your protein from whole foods, but it will ultimately be your choice.

How does the program work?

For you to have an amazing body transformation, you will need three things: nutrition, workouts and accountability. If you are missing any of those components I can assure you that you won't achieve the level of results you desire.

I provide all of that. My job is to take out ALL the guesswork when it comes to your workouts and nutrition. Everything will be at your fingertips on my easy to use mobile app.

For workouts, I'll provide a calendar, how many sets and reps you have to perform. I also provide video demonstrations for every single exercise in case you want to check your form or you have never done a certain exercise.

For nutrition, I'm not one of these coaches who expects you to spend hours creating gourmet meals. I'm also not one of these coaches who expects you to just eat chicken, brown rice and broccoli to achieve your results. When you pay a premium price, the guesswork should be taken out for you.

With me, you will receive a DONE FOR YOU, simple, convenient, meal plan, that will help you discover what foods work best for your body. But we don't stop there, we will provide you with a set of personalized macros and deep understanding of macros, so that you don't just achieve amazing results, but sustanable results. You will have NOTHING to think about!

For accountability, you will check in with your assigned coach every single week on my mobile app messenger. You will answer your check in questions and provide progress photos. (Don't worry, these photos are confidential between you and I.) The details you provide, along with the photos will give me the feedback I need to coach you the best I can to ensure you not only get great results, but NEVER hit a plateau during your journey.

For added support, if you ever have questions or are having a rough week, you can always shoot your coach a message on my mobile app messenger where you are guaranteed a response within 12-24 hours MAX.

What's the structure of the program?

Prime and Balance (2-4 weeks)

Body Recomp (4-8 weeks)

Cutting Phase (8-16 weeks)

Peak Week (1 week)

Show (1-2 days)

Reverse Diet (2-4 weeks)